wodehouse pelham grenville weekend wodehouse

Wodehouse Pelham Grenville Weekend Wodehouse wodehouse pelham grenville weekend wodehouse
Wodehouse Pelham Grenville Weekend Wodehouse

'P.G. Wodehouse remains the greatest chronicler of a certain kind of Englishness, that no one else has ever captured quite so sharply, or with quite as much wit and affection' Julian Fellowes Weekend Wodehouse - required reading at country house parties in the late Thirties - remains one of the best introductions to the work of PG Wodehouse. All the favourites are here: Drones Club stories, Mr Mullinger stories, stories of Jeeves, Lord Amsworth and Ukridge.

4112 Руб.

Wodehouse Pelham Grenville Weekend Wodehouse wodehouse pelham grenville weekend wodehouse
Wodehouse Pelham Grenville Weekend Wodehouse

WITH AN INTRODUCTION BY HILAIRE BELLOC In the course of a career that encompassed nearly one hundred novels and short story collections (written over more than seventy years), P.G. Wodehouse established himself as not only a fond satirist of the foppish upper class, but one of the greatest comic voices in all literature. Including stories featuring all his finest creations, including Jeeves, Lord Emsworth of Blandings, Ukridge and the disreputable members of the Drones club, this collection is an ideal introduction to the writer described by Douglas Adams as 'the greatest comic writer ever'.

3345 Руб.

Wodehouse Pelham Grenville Ukridge wodehouse pelham grenville weekend wodehouse
Wodehouse Pelham Grenville Ukridge

If Stanley Featherstonehaugh Ukridge had a fiver for every dodgy scheme he has ever floated, he would be a rich man indeed. In these ten stories he tries every way of making money, from writing political slogans to opening a college for dogs. In his own eyes, Ukridge is a Great Man and a Visionary. In ours, he is English literature's most delightful chancer and one of Wodehouse's greatest comic creations: charming, ambitious, persuasive, optimistic and almost always disastrous. Sometimes supported by his rich Aunt Julia - but more often expelled from her house for his sins - he moves through the landscape in his eternal yellow mackintosh, dreaming of riches and borrowing shillings, an innocent abroad in a hostile world.

2674 Руб.

Wodehouse Pelham Grenville Ukridge wodehouse pelham grenville weekend wodehouse
Wodehouse Pelham Grenville Ukridge

Money makes the world go round for Stanley Featherstonehaugh Ukridge - and when there isn't enough of it, the world just has to spin a bit faster. Ever on the lookout for a quick buck, a solid gold fortune, or at least a plausible little scrounge, the irrepressible Ukridge gives con men a bad name. Looking like an animated blob of mustard in his bright yellow raincoat, he invests time, passion and energy (but seldom actual cash) in a series of increasingly bizarre money-making schemes. Finance for a dog college? It's yours. Shares in an accident syndicate? Easily arranged. Promoting a kind-hearted heavyweight boxer? A snip. Poor Corky Corcoran, Ukridge's old school chum and confidant, trails through these pages in the ebullient wake of Wodehouse's most disreputable but endearing hero and hopes to escape with his shirt at least.

2174 Руб.

Wodehouse Pelham Grenville Wodehouse at the Wicket wodehouse pelham grenville weekend wodehouse
Wodehouse Pelham Grenville Wodehouse at the Wicket

From his early days Wodehouse adored cricket and references to the game run like a golden thread though his writings. He not only wrote about this glorious British pastime, but also played it well, appearing six times at Lords, where his first captain was Sir Arthur Conan Doyle. Illustrated with wonderful drawings and contemporary score-sheets, Wodehouse at the Wicket is the first ever compendium of Wodehouse's writings on cricket. Edited by cricket historian Murray Hedgcock, this delightful book also contains fascinating facts about Wodehouse's cricketing career and how it is reflected in his work. The perfect gift for Wodehouse readers and fans of all things cricket.

2177 Руб.

Wodehouse Pelham Grenville Something Fresh wodehouse pelham grenville weekend wodehouse
Wodehouse Pelham Grenville Something Fresh

'Without at least one impostor on the premises, Blandings Castle is never itself' Welcome to the world of the delightfully dotty Lord Emsworth, his bone-headed younger son and his long-suffering secretary. Having returned home with a valuable Egyptian amulet, Lord Emsworth finds his home contains not one but two imposters intent on taking it off his hands. But with no real sense of how the amulet came to be in his pocket in the first place, things get a lot more complicated very quickly...

2177 Руб.

Wodehouse Pelham Grenville Summer Lightning wodehouse pelham grenville weekend wodehouse
Wodehouse Pelham Grenville Summer Lightning

The Empress of Blandings, prize-winning pig and all-consuming passion of Clarence, Ninth Earl of Emsworth, has disappeared. Blandings Castle is in uproar and there are suspects a-plenty - from Galahad Threepwood (who is writing memoirs so scandalous they will rock the aristocracy to its foundations) to the Efficient Baxter, chilling former secretary to Lord Emsworth. Even Beach the Butler seems deeply embroiled. And what of Sir Gregory Parsloe-Parsloe, Clarence's arch-rival, and his passion for prize-winning pigs? This comic masterpiece is vintage Blandings, and P.G. Wodehouse at his best.

2174 Руб.

Wodehouse Pelham Grenville Piccadilly Jim wodehouse pelham grenville weekend wodehouse
Wodehouse Pelham Grenville Piccadilly Jim

It takes a lot of effort for Jimmy Crocker to become Piccadilly Jim - nights on the town roistering, headlines in the gossip columns, a string of broken hearts and breaches of promise. Eventually he bacomes rather good at it and manages to go to pieces with his eyes open. But no sooner has Jimmy cut wild swathe through fashionable London than his terrifying Aunt Nesta decides he must mend his ways. He then falls in love with the girl he has hurt most of all, and after that things get complicated. In a dizzying plot, impersonations pile on impersonations so that (for reasons that will become clear, we promise) Jimmy ends up having to pretend he's himself. Piccadilly Jim is one of P.G. Wodehouse's most renowned early comic novels, and has been filmed three times.

2068 Руб.

Wodehouse Pelham Grenville Mulliner Nights wodehouse pelham grenville weekend wodehouse
Wodehouse Pelham Grenville Mulliner Nights

A private detective who can make the guilty confess simply by smiling at them. An artist so intimidated by his morally impeccable cat that he feels compelled to wear formal attire at dinner. A devotee of Proust whose life is turned upside down when he inadvertently subscribes to a correspondence course on How to Acquire Complete Self-Confidence and an Iron Will. These are just a few of the many members of the eccentric Mulliner clan whose lives and exploits are laid before the regulars of the Angler's Rest by that doyen of raconteurs, Mr Mulliner, in a series of hilarious and beautifully turned short stories where lunacy and comic exuberance reign supreme.

3291 Руб.

Wodehouse Pelham Grenville Big Money wodehouse pelham grenville weekend wodehouse
Wodehouse Pelham Grenville Big Money

Most of the big money belongs to Torquil Paterson Frisby, the dyspeptic American millionaire - but that doesn't stop him wanting more out of it. His niece, the beautiful Ann Moon, is engaged to 'Biscuit', Lord Biskerton, who doesn't have very much of the stuff and so he has to escape to Valley Fields to hide from his creditors. Meanwhile, his old schoolfriend Berry Conway, who is working for Frisby, himself falls for Ann - just as Biscuit falls for her friend Kitchie Valentine. In this typically hilarious novel by the master of light comedy, life can sometimes become a little complicated. Oh, and Berry has been left a lot of shares in the Dream Come True copper mine. Of course they're worthless... aren't they?

2384 Руб.

Wodehouse Pelham Grenville The Pothunters wodehouse pelham grenville weekend wodehouse
Wodehouse Pelham Grenville The Pothunters

'What a mad thing to go and do. Jolly sporting, though.' Suspicion abounds at St Austin's School when two silver trophies, or 'pots', are stolen from the cricket pavilion. Jim Thomson, a talented sportsman who due to an unfortunate series of coincidences could be thought to be the burglar, resolves to clear his name. Featuring a man from Scotland Yard, chases through the woods and an exasperated headmaster, Wodehouse's first novel is a paean to his beloved, idyllic late Victorian schooldays, punctuated by bouts of gentlemanly sport and comic escapades. All the hallmarks of what makes Wodehouse the greatest comic writer of all are in evidence here, in a spiffing read for Wodehouse aficionados and the uninitiated alike.

3147 Руб.

Wodehouse Pelham Grenville Summer Lightning wodehouse pelham grenville weekend wodehouse
Wodehouse Pelham Grenville Summer Lightning

The Honourable Galahad Threepwood has decided to write his memoirs and England's aristocrats are all diving for cover, not least Galahad's formidable sister Lady Constance Keeble who fears that her brother will ruin the family reputation with saucy stories of the 1890s. But Galahad's memoirs are not the only cause for concern. Yet again Lord Emsworth's prize pig has been stolen and, as usual, the castle seems to be buzzing with imposters all pretending to be one another. Love and natural justice triumph in the end, but not before Wodehouse has tangled and unangled a plot of Shakespearean complexity in a novel which might as well be subtitled 'The Price of the Papers'.

2673 Руб.

Wodehouse Pelham Grenville Laughing Gas wodehouse pelham grenville weekend wodehouse
Wodehouse Pelham Grenville Laughing Gas

A Hollywood star and an English aristocrat exchange souls while under ether at the dentist and the result is mayhem. Though his golden curls and sweet expression make him the idol of mothers throughout America, Joey Cooley is a tough nut who wants nothing more than to revenge himself on the agents, directors and producers who make his life a misery, before escaping back to Ohio. When his soul is transplanted into the body of an English earl with a boxing Blue he has the chance to 'poke them all in the snoot'. Lord Havershot, meanwhile, finds himself under the thumb of the fierce Miss Brinkmeyer and terrorized by the boy stars Joey has supplanted. The result is Anglo-American farce with the lightest of touches.

2674 Руб.

Wodehouse Pelham Grenville Heavy Weather wodehouse pelham grenville weekend wodehouse
Wodehouse Pelham Grenville Heavy Weather

There is trouble afoot at Blandings Castle, with publishing magnate Lord Tilbury after Galahad Threepwood's sensational memoirs, and Sir Gregory Parsloe-Parsloe in pursuit of Lord Emsworth's pig yet again. Against this background, Galahad's fearsome sisters, Julia and Constance, try to sabotage the marriage of Julia's son, Ronnie, to chorus girl Sue Brown, while mustachioed private investigator, Percy Pilbeam, circles them all like a vulture waiting for the pickings. A classic Blandings farce.

2864 Руб.

Wodehouse Pelham Grenville Blandings Castle wodehouse pelham grenville weekend wodehouse
Wodehouse Pelham Grenville Blandings Castle

Take a pig, a fat-headed earl, a country house, several pairs of frustrated lovers, some scheming outsiders, and all sorts of people who aren’t who they say they are. Mix thoroughly and apply the Wodehouse magic. The result is the lightest of literary soufflees, another instalment in the long-running saga of the Threepwood family, including the head of the clan, Lord Emsworth, his virago sister, Lady Constance, and his debonair brother, the Honourable Galahad Threepwood, ex-boulevardier and solver of romantic problems.

2919 Руб.

Wodehouse Pelham Grenville Hot Water wodehouse pelham grenville weekend wodehouse
Wodehouse Pelham Grenville Hot Water

J. Wellington Gedge seems to have everything a man could desire: a rich wife, a chateau, a life of ease in the south of France. But all he really wants is to return to California, not least because Mrs Gedge, who holds the purse-strings, is scheming to have him appointed as American ambassador in Paris, which means he will have to wear a sissy uniform. Fortunately, her plans are thwarted by a complicated series of events which involves French aristocrats, American crooks, an English novelist and the appalling Senator Opal, whose daughter, Jane, has a mind of her own.

2919 Руб.


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