wiedemann julius illustration now portraits

Wiedemann Julius Illustration Now! Portraits wiedemann julius illustration now portraits
Wiedemann Julius Illustration Now! Portraits

The art of likeness The spectrum of today's portraiture, from caricature to realism The field of illustration has flourished over the last decade, with professionals working both by computer and by hand. In illustration, the single most challenging and captivating subject has been the portrait, frequently used in editorials, advertising, products, and most recently, being the subject of major exhibitions. The book gathers together the exclusive (and frequently unpublished) portrait work of over 80 illustrators from all over the world, many of whom were featured in Illustration Now!, including Aaron Jasinski , Andre Carrilho, Hanoch Piven, Anita Kunz, Jody Hewgill, and Dugald Stermer. The book also features an index of subjects and an introduction by Steven Heller.

3036 Руб.

Wiedemann Julius Illustration Now! Vol.3 wiedemann julius illustration now portraits
Wiedemann Julius Illustration Now! Vol.3

The Illustration Now! series continually brings you groundbreaking work by the world's most exciting illustrators. A fascinating mix of established master draftsmen and neophytes, working in a vast range of techniques, Illustration Now! Vol. 3 features more than 100 illustrators from 30 countries, including information about their career paths, and lists of selected exhibitions. Also included is an introduction by specialist Steven Heller on current trends in the field. This book is perfect for graphic artists, creative professionals and illustration students, as well as anyone with an appreciation for draftsmanship and visual language.

1049 Руб.

Illustration Now II wiedemann julius illustration now portraits
Illustration Now II

Following the success of Illustration Now!, this installment presents a new selection of illustrators from all around the world on a budget price. Whereas the first volume brought together a fascinating mix of star illustrators and brand new faces that together formed the face of illustration around the world, Illustration Now! Vol. 2 is even more exciting, featuring illustrators from over 20 countries, with styles ranging from cutting edge to traditional. Also included is a dialog between design specialist Steven Heller and German illustrator Christoph Niemann about illustration's role in the world today. This book is perfect not only for creative professionals and illustration students, but also artists and anyone with an appreciation for visual language. The editor: Julius Wiedemann was born in Brazil, studied graphic design and marketing, and was an art editor for digital and design magazines in Tokyo. His many TASCHEN digital and media titles include Illustration Now!, Advertising Now, Logo Design, and Brand Identity Now! Издание на английском, немецком и французском языках.

1012 Руб.

Illustration Now. Vol 4 wiedemann julius illustration now portraits
Illustration Now. Vol 4

Today's most exciting illustrators, from A to Z The Illustration Now! series continues to bring you groundbreaking work by the world's most exciting illustrators. A fascinating mix of established master draftsmen and neophytes, working in a wide range of techniques, Illustration Now! Vol. 4 features 150 illustrators from 30 countries, including information about their career paths and lists of selected exhibitions. Also included are two introductory essays by specialists Steven Heller and Bruno Porto on current trends in the field, with a cover featuring the work of Gabriel Moreno. This book is perfect for graphic artists, creative professionals and illustration students, as well as anyone with an appreciation for draftsmanship and visual language. The editor: Julius Wiedemann was born in Brazil, studied graphic design and marketing, and was an art editor for digital and design magazines in Tokyo. His many TASCHEN digital and media titles include Illustration Now!, Advertising Now, Logo Design, and Brand Identity Now!

3036 Руб.

Illustration Now! Volume 2 wiedemann julius illustration now portraits
Illustration Now! Volume 2

Following the success of "Illustration Now!", this installment presents a completely new selection of 150 illustrators from all around the world. Whereas the first volume brought together a fascinating mix of star illustrators and brand new faces that together formed the face of illustration around the world, "Illustration Now! Volume 2" is even more exciting, featuring illustrators from 25 countries, with styles ranging from cutting edge to traditional. Also included is a dialog between design specialist Steven Heller and German illustrator Christoph Niemann about illustration's role in the world today. This book is perfect not only for creative professionals and illustration students, but also artists and anyone with an appreciation for visual language. About the editor: Julius Wiedemann was born in Brazil, studied graphic design and marketing, and was an art editor for digital and design magazines in Tokyo. His TASCHEN digital and media titles include Animation Now!, Advertising Now! and 1000 Favorite Websites. Издание на английском, французском и немецком языках.

2892 Руб.

Illustration Now. 3 wiedemann julius illustration now portraits
Illustration Now. 3

Today's most exciting illustrators, from A to Z. The latest volume Illustration Now! presents a dazzling selection of groundbreaking work by 150 of the world's most exciting illustrators. A fascinating mix of established master draftsmen and neophytes, working in a vast range of techniques, Illustration Now! Vol. 3 features illustrators from 30 countries, including information about their career paths, and lists of selected exhibitions. Also included is an introduction by specialist Steven Heller on current trends in the field. This book is perfect for graphic artists, creative professionals and illustration students, as well as anyone with an appreciation for draftsmanship and visual language. About the editor: Julius Wiedemann was born in Brazil, studied graphic design and marketing, and was an art editor for digital and design magazines in Tokyo. His many TASCHEN digital and media titles include Animation Now!, Advertising Now! the Web Design series, and 1000 Favorite Websites.

3036 Руб.

Web Design: Studios wiedemann julius illustration now portraits
Web Design: Studios

This book, in its compact format, displays 90 of the most prominent interactive studios worldwide. About the editor: Julius Wiedemann was born in Brazil, studied graphic design and marketing, and was an art editor for digital and design magazines in Tokyo. His many TASCHEN digital and media titles include Animation Now!, Advertising Now! the Web Design series, and 1000 Favorite Websites. Издание на английском, французском и немецком языках.

Wiedemann Julius Logobook wiedemann julius illustration now portraits
Wiedemann Julius Logobook

The 2009 Academy Award-winning animated short Logorama, focusing on the use of logos and brands, became a point of reference for corporate culture. Conceived by H5 design studio in Paris, the movie tells the story of our times through the products and services that surround us on a daily basis. Ludovic Houplain, studio director and co-director of the film, conducted an extensive year-long research project, collecting over 40,000 symbols and trademarks that represent our world today. The monumental archive Houplain amassed is the foundation of this ultimate logo reference guide, featuring approximately 7,000 specimens organized alphabetically, with information about the designers, year of creation, country, brand, and company. Moreover, the book includes an extensive critical essay on brand culture by French philosopher Gilles Lipovetsky, and an introduction by Ludovic Houplain explaining the creation process of the film Logorama, from its inception to its finalization. Logobook is a must-have for any designer, student, or marketing professional, and will be equally fascinating to anyone interested in contemporary culture.

4048 Руб.

Julius Wiedemann. Logo Design wiedemann julius illustration now portraits
Julius Wiedemann. Logo Design
Бренд: Республика

Хороший логотип может украсить что угодно. В этом обширном сборнике, который теперь доступен в нашем популярном формате Klotz, собраны различные маркеры брендов со всего мира, чтобы исследовать неудержимую силу графического представления. Каталог, разбитый на главы по темам, исследует, как текст, изображения и идеи превращаются в логотип событий, моды, средств массовой информации, музыки и розничной торговли. В этом каталоге представлены работы как звездных имен, так и менее известных индивидуалистов, и это отличный справочник для студентов. и профессионалов в области дизайна и маркетинга, а также для всех, кто интересуется визуальными эффектами и философией бренда.A good logo can glamorize just about anything. Now available in our popular Klotz format, this sweeping compendium gathers diverse brand markers from around the world to explore the irrepressible power of graphic representation. Organized into chapters by theme, the catalog explores how text, image, and ideas distil into a logo acrossevents, fashion, media, music, and retailers.Featuring work from both star names and lesser-known mavericks, this is an excellent reference for students and professionals in design and marketing, as well as for anyone interested in the visuals and philosophy behind brand identity.

3250 Руб.

Julius Wiedemann. Art Record Covers wiedemann julius illustration now portraits
Julius Wiedemann. Art Record Covers
Бренд: Республика

Беспрецедентная коллекция обложек пластинок артистов с 1950-х годов до наших дней. На заре модернизма визуальное и музыкальное производство имели особенно тесную связь. От футуристического манифеста Луиджи Руссоло 1913 года L'Arte dei Rumori («Искусство шума») до двусторонних дисков Марселя Дюшана 1925 года «Роторельефы» 20-й век стал свидетелем еще более плодотворного обмена между звуками и формами, знаками и мелодиями, а также различными областями композиции и производительность. В уникальной антологии обложек пластинок художников Франческо Спампинато мы обнаруживаем ритм этой особой культурной истории.В книге представлены 450 обложек и записей художников с 1950-х годов до наших дней, в которых исследуется, как модернизм, поп-арт, концептуальное искусство, постмодернизм и различные формы современного искусства повлияли на эту побочную область визуального производства и поддержали массовое распространение. музыки с определяющими образами, которые быстро и многозначительно вызывают слуховую встречу. По пути мы находим городские иероглифы Жана-Мишеля Баскии для его собственного лейбла Tartown, трафаретные граффити Бэнкси для Blur и бабочку Сальвадора Дали на вертеле в фильме Джеки Глисона «Одинокое эхо». Наряду с обложками есть проницательный анализ и информационные бюллетени с указанием исполнителя, исполнителя, названия альбома, лейбла, года выпуска и информации об оригинальном оформлении. Интервью с Таубой Ауэрбах, Шепардом Фейри, Ким Гордон, Кристианом Марклеем, Альбертом Оленом и Рэймондом Петтибоном добавляют личные отчеты о совместных отношениях между артистами и музыкантами.An unprecedented collection of artists’ record covers from the 1950s to today. Since the dawn of modernism, visual and music production have had a particularly intimate relationship. From Luigi Russolo’s 1913 Futurist manifesto L’Arte dei Rumori (The Art of Noise) to Marcel Duchamp’s 1925 double-sided discs Rotoreliefs, the 20th century saw ever more fertile exchange between sounds and shapes, marks and melodies, and different fields of composition and performance. In Francesco Spampinato’s unique anthology of artists’ record covers, we discover the rhythm of this particular cultural history. The book presents 450 covers and records by visual artists from the 1950s through to today, exploring how modernism, Pop Art, Conceptual Art, postmodernism, and various forms of contemporary art practice have all informed this collateral field of visual production and supported the mass distribution of music with defining imagery that swiftly and suggestively evokes an aural encounter. Along the way, we find Jean-Michel Basquiat’s urban hieroglyphs for his own Tartown record label, Banksy’s stenciled graffiti for Blur, and a skewered Salvador Dalí butterfly on Jackie Gleason’s Lonesome Echo. There are insightful analyses and fact sheets alongside the covers listing the artist, performer, album name, label, year of release, and information on the original artwork....

4150 Руб.

The Illustrator wiedemann julius illustration now portraits
The Illustrator
Бренд: Республика

For the last ten years, Steven Heller and Julius Wiedemann have traced the latest developments in illustration across the globe―and for all those who thought digital heralded the end of an era, they're here to set the record straight. There were extraordinary eras before mass media changed our viewing habits, back in the day when illustration was the most primary means of illuminating the word on paper, to today when we get our words and images on screens as small as a watch face. And in this environment, today's designers and artists are holding their own brilliantly. Illustration is more free and varied than ever, and it is ubiquitous in all kinds of media from paper to screen, books, packages, clothing, cars, and restaurants. This book celebrates the sheer quality, diversity, intensity, comedy, vivacity, and exceptionality of the work being created by illustrators right now. From veteran artists like Brad Holland, whose oblique and metaphorical paintings for the New York Times' op-ed section revolutionized illustrative content in the 1970s, to up-and-coming stars like Robin Eisenberg, her pastel-skinned alien belles cruising in spaceships on indie-rock album covers, the 100 artists in this collection are just the tip of the proverbial iceberg, but they represent a compelling snapshot of the styles, techniques, and use of color by artists across the world. We dare you to pick your favorites.

8750 Руб.

Wiedemann Julius The Package Design Book wiedemann julius illustration now portraits
Wiedemann Julius The Package Design Book

Packaging is a highly underrated art form. As the first thing a consumer sees when looking at a product, it can make or break a sale. Every year, the Pentawards celebrate the art of the package by recognizing the world's most groundbreaking and influential designs. Designers compete in five main categories - beverages, food, body, luxury, and other markets - and no fewer than 50 sub-categories. Featuring a selection of hundreds of works, this book brings together Pentawards winners from 2008 to 2016, providing a vivid demonstration of creativity in every form of packaging. Readers will discover, through product descriptions and plenty of images, what drives design industry leaders and agencies behind these creations, which permeate all aspects of our everyday lives. This well of inspiration will not just serve design and marketing professionals, but anyone with an interest in the creative process of packaging.

3213 Руб.

Wiedemann Julius Logo Design. Global Brands wiedemann julius illustration now portraits
Wiedemann Julius Logo Design. Global Brands

A monumental logo compilation: round two Following up on the best-selling Bibliotheca Universalis logo manual, this second volume focuses on corporate identity. In a globalized world, more and more symbols convey values such as trust, quality, or reliability. This catalog comprehensively breaks down how texts, images, and ideas are condensed into distinctive brands. From airlines and groceries, sportswear and computers, museums, and magazines, to car brands, music labels, pharmaceuticals, and internet portals, this band offers around 4,500 brand logos including complete background information about designers, year of origin, and country, as well as brands and companies. A great reference book for anyone interested in the ideas and concepts that branding is based on.

5049 Руб.

Paulo Joaquim, Wiedemann Julius Jazz Covers wiedemann julius illustration now portraits
Paulo Joaquim, Wiedemann Julius Jazz Covers

This volume features a broad selection of jazz record covers, from the 1940s through the decline of LP production in the early 1990s. Each cover is accompanied by a fact sheet listing performer and album name, art director, photographer, illustrator, year, label, and more. Special features for jazz lovers include a top-10 favorite records list by leading jazz DJs such as King Britt, Michael McFadden, Gilles Peterson, Andre Torres, and Rainer Truby, as well as interviews with legendary jazz personalities Rudy Van Gelder (sound engineer who recorded for many labels such as Blue Note, Impulse!, and Prestige), Creed Taylor (founder of many labels and one of the best jazz producers ever, credited also for bringing bossa nova to the US and fusing it with jazz), Michael Cuscuna (Blue Note jazz producer and catalog researcher, responsible for its most successful re-editions), Bob Ciano (designer at the CTI Label, founded in the 70s by Creed Taylor, and one of the greatest cover designers ever), Fred Cohen, (the owner of New York's Jazz Record Center store with an encyclopedic knowledge of jazz music), and Ashley Kahn (writer, critic, and journalist for jazz whose books include A Love Supreme, Kind of Blue, and The House That Trane Built).

4048 Руб.

Julius Wiedemann. Logo Design. Global Brands wiedemann julius illustration now portraits
Julius Wiedemann. Logo Design. Global Brands
Бренд: Республика

Following up on the best-selling Bibliotheca Universalis logo manual, this second volume focuses on corporate identity. In a globalized world, more and more symbols convey values such as trust, quality, or reliability. This catalog comprehensively breaks down how texts, images, and ideas are condensed into distinctive brands. From airlines and groceries, sportswear and computers, museums, and magazines, to car brands, music labels, pharmaceuticals, and internet portals, this band offers around 4,500 brand logos including complete background information about designers, year of origin, and country, as well as brands and companies. A great reference book for anyone interested in the ideas and concepts that branding is based on.

3250 Руб.

Heller Steven, Wiedemann Julius 100 Illustrators wiedemann julius illustration now portraits
Heller Steven, Wiedemann Julius 100 Illustrators

100 illustrators to remember Drawn from Taschen's Illustration Now! series, this go-to catalog brings together 100 of the most successful and important illustrators around the globe. With featured artists including Istvan Banyai, Gary Baseman, Seymour Chwast, Paul Davis, Brad Holland, Mirko Ilic, Anita Kunz, and Christoph Niemann, the international overview provides an invigorating record of the dynamism and diversity of the illustration scene. Each illustrator is featured with a self-portrait, samples from their portfolio, and a succinct description by Steven Heller, with a supplementary list of selected exhibitions and publications. In his introduction, Steven Heller describes the dynamic realm of illustration today and the challenging process of selection within this highly competitive and ever-moving genre.

5049 Руб.


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