shakespeare william king richard ll

Shakespeare William King Richard ll shakespeare william king richard ll
Shakespeare William King Richard ll

In this updated edition of King Richard II, Claire McEachern provides a fresh introductory section in which she discusses the most important productions and scholarly criticism of recent years. Paying particular attention to the focus on religion in contemporary interpretations of the play, McEachern also analyses the increasing number of performances on stage and screen. Andrew Gurr's acclaimed introduction guides the reader through the play's action and politics, providing a thorough and engaging grounding in its structure, language and staging. An updated reading list completes the edition. Features a fresh introductory section which brings the edition's analysis of scholarly criticism and performance right up-to-date Provides a revised reading list Includes fresh illustrations

3598 Руб.

Shakespeare William King Richard II shakespeare william king richard ll
Shakespeare William King Richard II

Серия книг "Зарубежная классика - читай в оригинале" - это бессмертные произведения великих мастеров пера, написанные ими на их родном языке и наречии. Книги из этой серии помогут читателю углубленно изучать иностранные языки, обогатят его внутренний мир и по-новому откроют произведения известных классиков. Учись английскому у Уильяма Шекспира! Неадаптированное издание на английском языке.

Shakespeare William King Richard II shakespeare william king richard ll
Shakespeare William King Richard II

Уильям Шекспир - один из самых значимых и таинственных писателей в мировой литературе, бесспорный мастер драматургии. Его произведения до сих пор ставят на театральных сценах во всех уголках планеты, его герои вдохновляют, поражают и влюбляют в себя миллионы людей. "Ричард II" - одно из самых известных произведений Шекспира, повествующее о событиях на рубеже XIV-XV веков, в центре которых - убийство короля Ричарда II и захват власти его двоюродным братом Генрихом Болингброком - основателем дома Ланкастеров.

Shakespeare William Richard II shakespeare william king richard ll
Shakespeare William Richard II

Richard II is one of Shakespeare's finest works: lucid, eloquent, and boldly structured. It can be seen as a tragedy, or a historical play, or a political drama, or as one part of a vast dramatic cycle which helped to generate England's national identity. Today, to some of us, Richard II may appear conservative; but, in Shakespeare's day, it could appear subversive: 'I am Richard II', declared an indignant Queen Elizabeth. Numerous recent revivals in the theatre and on screen have demonstrated the enduring power and poignancy of this drama of the downfall of an egoistic but pitiable monarch. Richard II is the seventeenth volume in the Wordsworth Classics' Shakespeare Series, in which each volume has been freshly edited by Cedric Watts.

Shakespeare William Richard III shakespeare william king richard ll
Shakespeare William Richard III

Edited, introduced and annotated by Cedric Watts, M.A., Ph.D., Emeritus Professor of English, University of Sussex. Richard III is one of the finest of Shakespeare's historical dramas. Although it has a huge cast, Richard himself, gleefully wicked, charismatically Machiavellian, always dominates the play: a role to gratify such leading actors as David Garrick, Laurence Olivier, Anthony Sher, Ian McKellen and Al Pacino. Since, in real life, political Machiavellianism is never out of date, Richard III remains perennially topical. Numerous revivals on stage and screen have demonstrated the enduring cogency of this drama about the lethally corrupting quest for power. Richard III is the twenty-first play in the Wordsworth Classics' Shakespeare Series. The Times Literary Supplement says: 'Many students and ordinary readers will be grateful to Watts and his publishers for making such useful editions available at such low cost.'

Shakespeare William Richard III shakespeare william king richard ll
Shakespeare William Richard III

'Now is the winter of our discontent Made glorious summer by this sun of York' Shakespeare's final drama of the Wars of the Roses cycle begins as the dust settles on England after bloody civil war, and the bitter hunchback Richard, brother of the king, secretly plots to seize the throne. Charming and duplicitous, powerfully eloquent and viciously cruel, he is prepared to go to any lengths to achieve his goal. Richard III shows a man who, in his skilful manipulation of events and people, is a chilling incarnation of the temptations of power in a land shocked by war.

2629 Руб.

Shakespeare William Richard II shakespeare william king richard ll
Shakespeare William Richard II

'Not all the water in the rough rude sea Can wash the balm off from an anointed king' Richard, a vain, despotic ruler, listens only to his flatterers. When his cousin Bolingbroke, previously banished, returns to seize the crown, Richard discovers that the throne given to him by God can be taken from him by men. Depicting a tortured and morally ambivalent soul wearing the 'hollow crown', whose illusions are brutally shattered, this tragic history play unravels the idea of kingship. It is also a work of epic lyricism, filled with some of Shakespeare's most intoxicating poetry.

2148 Руб.

Shakespeare William King Lear shakespeare william king richard ll
Shakespeare William King Lear

One of the later plays, "King Lear" is such a powerful depiction of suffering and redemption it is now thought by many to be Shakespeare's greatest creation. When King Lear abdicates his throne and divides his kingdom between his three daughters, he offends both the law of family and the law of kingship. Spiritually blind and on the brink of madness, he begins to recognize the faults that lie within his soul and, as the drama reaches its cathartic conclusion, to make amends for them. The text of this edition is edited by G.B.Harrison and contains notes, a glossary and an introduction. Издание полностью на английском языке.

Shakespeare William King Lear shakespeare william king richard ll
Shakespeare William King Lear

King Lear depicts the gradual descent into madness of the title character, an ageing British monarch. He intends to divide his monarchy among his three daughters, challenging them to to prove which of them loves him best. While two elder daughters play along, his youngest refuses to say anything. Her behavior enrages Lear and he banishes her forever, bringing tragic consequences for all.

Shakespeare William King Lear shakespeare william king richard ll
Shakespeare William King Lear

Уильям Шекспир - один из самых значимых и таинственных писателей в мировой литературе, бесспорный мастер драматургии. Его произведения до сих пор ставят на театральных сценах во всех уголках планеты, его герои вдохновляют, поражают и влюбляют в себя миллионы людей. В трагедии "Король Лир", написанной в начале XVII века и остающейся актуальной в веке XXI-м, Шекспир поднимает извечную тему борьбы Добра и Зла, обличает жажду власти и богатства, лицемерие и тщеславие, и блестяще демонстрирует на примере судьбы главных героев, к каким катастрофическим последствиям может привести каждого из нас отсутствие любви в сердце. Читайте зарубежную литературу в оригинале!

Shakespeare William King Lear shakespeare william king richard ll
Shakespeare William King Lear

King Lear, growing old and too tired to reign, decides to divide his realm amongst his three daughters, leaving the largest share to the one who loves him the most. His two eldest daughters, Goneril and Regan, foolish and deceitful children, are rewarded for their insincere flattery. His youngest daughter, Cordelia, however, speaks honestly and truthfully, which enrages the old king. He disinherits Cordelia, and then drives himself to madness, left to wander the heath with only his Fool, his servant Caius, and the madman Tom O'Bedlam for company. Once reunited with Cordelia, Lear is too late repents his rashness, and must face the tragic consequences of his choices.

Shakespeare William King Lear shakespeare william king richard ll
Shakespeare William King Lear

King Lear depicts the gradual descent into madness of the title character, an ageing British monarch. He intends to divide his monarchy among his three daughters, challenging them to to prove which of them loves him best. While two elder daughters play along, his youngest refuses to say anything. Her behavior enrages Lear and he banishes her forever, bringing tragic consequences for all.

Shakespeare William King Lear shakespeare william king richard ll
Shakespeare William King Lear

This book is edited, introduced and annotated by Cedric Watts, research Professor of English, University of Sussex. The Wordsworth Classics' Shakespeare Series presents a newly-edited sequence of William Shakespeare's works. The Textual editing takes account of recent scholarship while giving the material a careful reappraisal.

Shakespeare William King Lear shakespeare william king richard ll
Shakespeare William King Lear

HarperCollins is proud to present its new range of best-loved, essential classics. "Blow, winds, and crack your cheeks! rage! blow!" Epic and tragic in its scope, King Lear explores a king's demise into madness and insanity when he is betrayed by two of his manipulative and scheming daughters. It is Cordelia, the third and only daughter who refuses to flatter her father to deceive, who is banished from the kingdom, leading to dramatic and tumultuous events.

Shakespeare William King Lear shakespeare william king richard ll
Shakespeare William King Lear

King Lear, widely considered Shakespeare's most deeply moving, passionately expressed, and intellectually ambitious play, has almost always been edited from the revised version printed in the First Folio of 1623, with additions from the quarto of 1608. Now for the first time, this new volume presents the full, scholarly edition to be based firmly on the quarto, now recognized as the base text from which all others derive. A thorough, attractively written introduction suggests how the work grew slowly in Shakespeare's imagination, fed by years of reading, thinking, and experience as a practical dramatist. This editition consists of a new, modern-spelling text; a full index to the introduction and commentary; production photographs and related art. The on-page commentary and detailed notes to this edition offer critical help in understanding the language and dramaturgy in relation to the theaters in which King Lear was first performed. Additional sections reprint the early ballad, which was among the play's earliest sources, and provide additional guides to understanding and appreciating one of the greatest masterworks of Western civilization.

2684 Руб.

Shakespeare William King Lear shakespeare william king richard ll
Shakespeare William King Lear

Shakespeare's bleak and brutal tragedy begins when an ageing king, seeking a successor, rejects the young daughter who loves him and misplaces his trust in her malevolent sisters. In return they strip him of his power and condemn him to a wretched wasteland of horror and insanity. Set in a pitiless universe, King Lear is a towering, elemental masterpiece of fierce poetry and vast imaginative scope.

2629 Руб.


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