laozi tao te ching

Laozi Tao Te Ching laozi tao te ching
Laozi Tao Te Ching

Трактат Дао Дэ Цзин приписывается древнему китайскому философу Лао-Цзы, история жизни которого окутана тайнами и мистификациями. Он считается основоположником даосизма и большинство даосских школ почитает Лао-Цзы как божество – одного из Трех Чистых. Однако существует несколько версий о том, кем на самом деле был Лао-Цзы. Также ведутся споры и о содержании Дао Дэ Цзин. Прикоснитесь к мудрости загадочного философа. Книга на английском языке.

Lao Tzu Tao Te Ching laozi tao te ching
Lao Tzu Tao Te Ching

'All things end in the Tao just as the small streams and the largest rivers flow through the valleys to the sea.' The Tao Te Ching came into existence some 2,500 years ago, since when it has become the most influential text of Eastern philosophy. Best translated as The Classic Book of the Way and its Power (or Virtue), its teachings are of simplicity, humility, and 'non-action', and its cadenced poetry is at once spare and profound. A true classic, the Tao Te Ching is renowned for its timeless wisdom and subtle guidance on how to live well.

1268 Руб.

Le Guin Ursula K. Lao Tzu Tao Te Ching laozi tao te ching
Le Guin Ursula K. Lao Tzu Tao Te Ching

A rich, poetic, and socially relevant version of the great spiritual-philosophical classic of Taoism, the Tao Te Ching--from a legendary literary icon Most people know Ursula K. Le Guin for her extraordinary science fiction and fantasy. Fewer know just how pervasive Taoist themes are to so much of her work. And in Lao Tzu: Tao Te Ching, we are treated to Le Guin's unique take on Taoist philosophy's founding classic. Le Guin presents Lao Tzu's time-honored and astonishingly powerful philosophy like never before. Drawing on a lifetime of contemplation and including extensive personal commentary throughout, she offers an unparalleled window into the text's awe-inspiring, immediately relatable teachings and their inestimable value for our troubled world. Jargon-free but still faithful to the poetic beauty of the original work, Le Guin's unique translation is sure to be welcomed by longtime readers of the Tao Te Ching as well as those discovering the text for the first time.

1170 Руб.

Le Guin Ursula K. Lao Tzu Tao Te Ching laozi tao te ching
Le Guin Ursula K. Lao Tzu Tao Te Ching

A rich, poetic, and socially relevant version of the great spiritual-philosophical classic of Taoism, the Tao Te Ching--from a legendary literary icon Most people know Ursula K. Le Guin for her extraordinary science fiction and fantasy. Fewer know just how pervasive Taoist themes are to so much of her work. And in Lao Tzu: Tao Te Ching, we are treated to Le Guin's unique take on Taoist philosophy's founding classic. Le Guin presents Lao Tzu's time-honored and astonishingly powerful philosophy like never before. Drawing on a lifetime of contemplation and including extensive personal commentary throughout, she offers an unparalleled window into the text's awe-inspiring, immediately relatable teachings and their inestimable value for our troubled world. Jargon-free but still faithful to the poetic beauty of the original work, Le Guin's unique translation is sure to be welcomed by longtime readers of the Tao Te Ching as well as those discovering the text for the first time.

1170 Руб.

Tzu L. Tao te Ching laozi tao te ching
Tzu L. Tao te Ching

Tao Te Ching is ancient Chinas great contribution to the literature of philosophy, religion, and mysticism. Tao Te Ching contains the time-honored teachings of Taoism and brings a message of living simply, finding contentment with a minimum of comfort, and prizing culture above all else. This is the lauded translation of the eighty-one poems constituting an Eastern classic, the mystical and moral teachings of which have profoundly influenced the sacred scriptures of many religions--and the lives and happiness of countless men and women through the centuries. Translated and with an Introduction by R. B. Blakney and an Afterword by Richard John Lynn

Tzu L. Tao te Ching laozi tao te ching
Tzu L. Tao te Ching

Tao Te Ching is ancient Chinas great contribution to the literature of philosophy, religion, and mysticism. Tao Te Ching contains the time-honored teachings of Taoism and brings a message of living simply, finding contentment with a minimum of comfort, and prizing culture above all else. This is the lauded translation of the eighty-one poems constituting an Eastern classic, the mystical and moral teachings of which have profoundly influenced the sacred scriptures of many religions--and the lives and happiness of countless men and women through the centuries. Translated and with an Introduction by R. B. Blakney and an Afterword by Richard John Lynn

Lao Tzu Tao Te Ching laozi tao te ching
Lao Tzu Tao Te Ching

Dating from around 300BC, Tao Te Ching is the first great classic of the Chinese school of philosophy called Taoism. Within its pages is summed up a complete view of the cosmos and how human beings should respond to it. A profound mystical insight into the nature of things forms the basis for a humane morality and vision of political utopia. The ideas in this work constitute one of the main shaping forces behind Chinese spirituality, art and science, so much so that no understanding of Chinese civilisation is possible without a grasp of Taoism. This edition presents the authoritative translation by Arthur Waley, with a new Introduction reflecting recent developments in the interpretation of the work.

Lao Tzu Tao Te Ching laozi tao te ching
Lao Tzu Tao Te Ching

'Have little thought of self and as few desires as possible' Whether or not Lao Tzu was a historical figure is uncertain, but the wisdom gathered under his name in the fourth century BC is central to the understanding and practice of Taoism. One of the three great religions of China, Taoism is based upon a concept of the Tao, or Way, as the universal power through which all life flows. The Tao Te Ching offers a practical model by which both the individual and society can embody this belief, encouraging modesty and self-restraint as the true path to a harmonious and balanced existence.

2068 Руб.

Lao Tzu Tao Te Ching laozi tao te ching
Lao Tzu Tao Te Ching

Written some 2,500 years ago, the Tao Te Ching is the most influential Chinese book of all time. The title can be translated as The Book of the Way and Virtue and its verses are no less than an attempt to sum up the cosmos and human beings' place within it. This is a beautifully illustrated, colourful collector's edition which will look good on anybody's shelf as well as making an ideal gift.

3398 Руб.

Lao Tzu Tao Te Ching laozi tao te ching
Lao Tzu Tao Te Ching

Always without desire we must be found, If its deep mystery we would sound; But if desire always within us be, Its outer fringe is all that we shall see. Under these two aspects, it is really the same; but as development takes place, it receives the different names. Together we call them the Mystery. Where the Mystery is the deepest is the gate of all that is subtle and wonderful.

2925 Руб.

Lao Tzu Tao Te Ching laozi tao te ching
Lao Tzu Tao Te Ching

The Tao Te Ching came into existence some 2500 years ago, since when it has become the most influential text of Eastern philosophy. Best translated as The Classic of the Way and its Power (or Virtue), its teachings are of simplicity, humility and 'non-action', and its cadenced poetry is at once spare and profound. This beautiful compact hardback edition, with gilded edges and foil on the cover, makes a wonderful gift.

2246 Руб.

Лао-цзы Tao Te Ching laozi tao te ching
Лао-цзы Tao Te Ching

Трактат Дао Дэ Цзин приписывается древнему китайскому философу Лао-Цзы, история жизни которого окутана тайнами и мистификациями. Он считается основоположником даосизма и большинство даосских школ почитает Лао-Цзы как божество – одного из Трех Чистых.Однако существует несколько версий о том, кем на самом деле был Лао-Цзы. Также ведутся споры и о содержании Дао Дэ Цзин.Прикоснитесь к мудрости загадочного философа.

Лао-цзы Tao Te Ching laozi tao te ching
Лао-цзы Tao Te Ching

Трактат Дао Дэ Цзин приписывается древнему китайскому философу Лао-Цзы, история жизни которого окутана тайнами и мистификациями. Он считается основоположником даосизма и большинство даосских школ почитает Лао-Цзы как божество – одного из Трех Чистых.Однако существует несколько версий о том, кем на самом деле был Лао-Цзы. Также ведутся споры и о содержании Дао Дэ Цзин.Прикоснитесь к мудрости загадочного философа.

Лао-Цзы Цзы Tao Te Ching laozi tao te ching
Лао-Цзы Цзы Tao Te Ching

Трактат Дао Дэ Цзин приписывается древнему китайскому философу Лао-Цзы, история жизни которого окутана тайнами и мистификациями. Он считается основоположником даосизма и большинство даосских школ почитает Лао-Цзы как божество — одного из Трех Чистых.Однако существует несколько версий о том, кем на самом деле был Лао-Цзы. Также ведутся споры и о содержании Дао Дэ Цзин.Прикоснитесь к мудрости загадочного философа.

Katie Byron, Mitchell Stephen A Thousand Names for Joy. How to Live In Harmony with the Way Things Are laozi tao te ching
Katie Byron, Mitchell Stephen A Thousand Names for Joy. How to Live In Harmony with the Way Things Are

Inspired by the Tao Te Ching, this is Byron Katie's inspiring and pragmatic approach to achieving an awakened mind and living more simply and profoundly. Using the template of the 81 chapters of the Tao Te Ching she talks about her own experience of living in harmony with the way things are, and the difference between what hurts and what doesn't. Katie has written two books that teach how suffering can be relieved by questioning the thoughts that create it, the thoughts that argue with reality. This questioning takes courage and, in this her third book, she gives readers profound encouragement by showing them the freedom and love that live on the other side of self-inquiry. Many people believe that although enlightenment was attainable thousands of years ago by a few great saints or ascetics, such a state is out of reach of anyone living in the modern world, let alone themselves. This richly detailed account has the ability to change that belief. Katie's comments on life, and how to live it, are profound, vibrant, funny and crystal clear and all rooted in the familiar circumstances of everyday life.

5328 Руб.


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