hagen rose marie hagen rainer bruegel

Hagen Rose-Marie, Hagen Rainer Bruegel hagen rose marie hagen rainer bruegel
Hagen Rose-Marie, Hagen Rainer Bruegel

Pieter Bruegel: Ein meisterlicher Zeitzeuge Der gro?e flamische Maler Pieter Bruegel der Altere (ca. 1526/31–1569) war ein au?erst fantasievoller Maler und Zeichner. Seine wunderschonen, symboltrachtigen Landschaften sowie seine religiosen Bilder sind beruhmt fur ihre Volkstumlichkeit und ihren Blick auf das Alltagsleben der damaligen Zeit. Besonders intensiv widmete Bruegel sich dem Leben der Landbevolkerung, was ihm den Spitznamen „Bauernbruegel“ einbrachte. Ob Jager im Schnee oder ein ausgelassener Jahrmarkt: Bruegel erhob Landarbeit, Dorffeste und Bauernspiele zum Thema der Kunst. Doch auch seine imposanten Bilder mit religioser und moralischer Thematik, darunter Triumph des Todes und Turmbau zu Babel, beeindrucken heute noch genauso wie im 16. Jahrhundert und haben, von den Schlachtszenen in den Herr der Ringe-Filmen bis hin zu Don DeLillos Roman Unterwelt, die zeitgenossische Kultur inspiriert. Von Bauern bei der Ernte bis zur Bekehrung des Saulus, von frohlichen Hochzeitsprozessionen bis hin zum Kreuzweg Christi: Dieser Band deckt Bruegels gesamtes Schaffensspektrum ab und prasentiert sowohl seine biblischen als auch seine irdischen Tableaus.

3435 Руб.

Rose-Marie Hagen. Bruegel hagen rose marie hagen rainer bruegel
Rose-Marie Hagen. Bruegel
Бренд: Республика

The great Flemish painter Pieter Bruegel the Elder (c. 1526/31-1569) was an astoundingly inventive painter and draftsman, who made his art historical mark with beautiful, evocative landscapes as well as religious subjects, both notable for their vernacular language and attention to everyday, contemporary life.Immersing himself in rural or small-town communities, Bruegel is particularly notable for his depiction of peasant experience and folk culture, earning the artist nickname “Peasant Bruegel." Whether hunters shivering in the snow or a boisterous country fair, Bruegel raised the farming, festivals, gatherings, and games of peasant culture to the status of high art. Bruegel's imposing religious and moral subjects, meanwhile, such as The Triumph of Death and The Tower of Babel are as awestriking and influential today as they were in the 16th century, inspiring contemporary culture from The Lord of the Rings cinematic battle scenes to Don DeLillo's novel Underworld.From the corn harvest to the conversion of Saul, from quaint wedding processions to Christ's road to Calvary, this book brings together the rich range of Bruegel's subjects to introduce his powerful compositions of both biblical and earthly tableaux.

2450 Руб.

Hagen Rose-Marie, Hagen Rainer Goya hagen rose marie hagen rainer bruegel
Hagen Rose-Marie, Hagen Rainer Goya

From court portraits for the Spanish royals to horrific scenes of conflict and suffering, Francisco Jose de Goya y Lucientes (1746-1828) made a mark as one of Spain's most revered and controversial artists. A master of form and light, his influence reverberates down the centuries, inspiring and fascinating artists from the Romantic Eugene Delacroix to Britart enfants terribles, the Chapman brothers. Born in Fuendetodos, Spain, in 1746, Goya was apprenticed to the Spanish royal family in 1774, where he produced etchings and tapestry cartoons for grand palaces and royal residences across the country. He was also patronized by the aristocracy, painting commissioned portraits of the rich and powerful with his increasingly fluid and expressive style. Later, after a bout of illness, the artist moved towards darker etchings and drawings, introducing a nightmarish realm of witches, ghosts, and fantastical creatures. It was, however, with his horrific depictions of conflict that Goya achieved enduring impact. Executed between 1810 and 1820, The Disasters of War was inspired by atrocities committed during the Spanish struggle for independence from the French and penetrated the very heart of human cruelty and sadism. The bleak tones, agitated brushstrokes, and aggressive use of Baroque-like light and dark contrasts recalled Velazquez and Rembrandt, but Goya's subject matter was unprecedented in its brutality and honesty. In this introductory book from TASCHEN Basic Art 2.0 we set out to explore the full arc of Goya's remarkable career, from elegant court painter to deathly seer of suffering and grotesquerie. Along the way, we encounter such famed portraits as Don Manuel Osorio Manrique de Zuniga, the dazzling Naked Maja, and The 3rd of May 1808 in Madrid, one of the most heart-stopping images of war in the history of art.

2048 Руб.

Hagen Rose-Marie Pieter Bruegel hagen rose marie hagen rainer bruegel
Hagen Rose-Marie Pieter Bruegel

The great Flemish painter Pieter Bruegel the Elder (c. 1526/31-1569) was an astoundingly inventive painter and draftsman, who made his art historical mark with beautiful, evocative landscapes as well as religious subjects, both notable for their vernacular language and attention to everyday, contemporary life. Immersing himself in rural or small-town communities, Bruegel is particularly notable for his depiction of peasant experience and folk culture, earning the artist nickname "Peasant Bruegel." Whether hunters shivering in the snow or a boisterous country fair, Bruegel raised the farming, festivals, gatherings, and games of peasant culture to the status of high art. Bruegel's imposing religious and moral subjects, meanwhile, such as The Triumph of Death and The Tower of Babel are as awestriking and influential today as they were in the 16th century, inspiring contemporary culture from The Lord of the Rings cinematic battle scenes to Don DeLillo's novel Underworld. From the corn harvest to the conversion of Saul, from quaint wedding processions to Christ's road to Calvary, this book brings together the rich range of Bruegel's subjects to introduce his powerful compositions of both biblical and earthly tableaux.

2206 Руб.

Hagen Rose-Marie, Hagen Rainer Egyptian Art hagen rose marie hagen rainer bruegel
Hagen Rose-Marie, Hagen Rainer Egyptian Art

From the Land of the Pharaohs. The finest treasures from Ancient Egypt. The art of ancient Egypt that has been handed down to us bears no names of its creators, and yet we value the creations of these unknown masters no less than the works of later centuries, such as statues by Michelangelo or the paintings by Leonardo da Vinci. This book introduces some of the most important masterpieces, ranging from the Old Kingdom during the Third millennium BC, to the Late Period in the 9th century BC. The works encompass sculptures, reliefs, sarcophagi, murals, masks, and decorative items, most of them now in the Egyptian Museum in Cairo, but some occupying places of honor as part of the World Cultural Heritage in museums such as the Louvre in Paris, the British Museum in London, the Egyptian Museum in Berlin, and the Metropolitan Museum in New York. Featured works include: Seated statue of King Djoser. Wood relief of Hesire on a dining table. Statue of a scribe made of various materials. Funerary relief of Aschait. Sphinx of Sesostris III. Robed statue of Cherihotep. Reliefs from the Temple at Carnac. Sarcophagus of Queen Hatshepsut. Murals from Thebes. Seated figure of the goddess Sachmet. Statue of Queen Teje. Head of Akhenaten (Amenophis IV). Queen Nefertiti. Golden mask of Tutankhamun. Ramses II from Abu Simbel. Horus falcon made of granite. Stone relief from the temple ambulatory at Edfu.

2206 Руб.

Hagen Rose-Marie, Hagen Rainer Egypt Art hagen rose marie hagen rainer bruegel
Hagen Rose-Marie, Hagen Rainer Egypt Art

The art of ancient Egypt that has been handed down to us bears no names of its creators, and yet we value the creations of these unknown masters no less than the works of later centuries, such as statues by Michelangelo or the paintings by Leonardo da Vinci. The present volume introduces a series of such masterpieces, ranging from the Old Kingdom, or the 3rd millennium B.C., to the Late Period in the 9th century B.C. The works in question are sculptures, reliefs, sarcophagi, murals, masks, and decorative items, most of them now in the Egyptian Museum in Cairo, but some occupying places of honor as part of the world cultural heritage in museums such as the Louvre in Paris, the British Museum in London, the Egyptian Museum in Berlin and the Metropolitan Museum in New York. Featured works include: Seated statue of King Djoser, wood relief of Hesire on a dining table, the statue of a scribe made of various materials, funerary relief of Aschait, a Sphinx of Sesostris III, a robed statue of Cherihotep, reliefs from the Temple at Carnac, sarcophagus of Queen Hatshepsut, murals from Thebes, seated figure of the goddess Sachmet, precious statue of Queen Teje, head of Akhenaten (Amenophis IV), Queen Nefertiti, golden mask of Tutankhamun , Ramses II from Abu Simbel, Horus-falcon made of granite, stone relief on the temple ambulatory at Edfu. Издание на английском языке.

Hagen Rose-Marie, Hagen Rainer Egypt. People, Gods, Pharaohs hagen rose marie hagen rainer bruegel
Hagen Rose-Marie, Hagen Rainer Egypt. People, Gods, Pharaohs

Everyday life in Ancient Egypt How much do we really know about Ancient Egypt? The pharaohs and pyramids are familiar history fodder, but what about the farmers, the soldiers, the laborers, and the families that made up the vast majority of this much mythologized civilization? With a thrilling spread of visual references, this Taschen adventure attempts to set the record straight by offering a distinctive everyday take on Ancient Egypt. Like a piece of published excavation, the book explores the many layers of this ancient society, digging down from the sacred or grandiose to the daily experiences and ordinary individuals. The democratic approach bestows this distant era with exciting vitality and relevance for all the family. As we explore everything from family arrangements to leisure activities to labor movements, we not only uncover the different experiences of this ancient land but also parallels and precedents to our own societies. The result is a particularly vivid encounter with an ancient age and with some of our most ingenious and influential forebears.

5189 Руб.

Hagen Rose-Marie, Hagen Rainer What Great Paintings Say hagen rose marie hagen rainer bruegel
Hagen Rose-Marie, Hagen Rainer What Great Paintings Say

Did the Greek gods play tennis? What is the ambassador from the land of Alchemy telling us? What secrets are being told on the shores of the Island of Venus? What is a monk doing on the Ship of Fools? What Great Paintings Say has the answers to these and many other burning questions asked about the most important and famous paintings of all time. In two volumes, a selection of history`s greatest masterpieces is presented chronologically, including works by Botticelli, Breughel, Chagall, Courbet, Degas, Delacroix, Durer, Goya, Monet, Raphael, Rembrandt, Renoir, Rubens, Tiepolo, Titian, and many others. Each chapter focuses on one painting, with enlarged details and in-depth texts describing their significance. Taking apart each painting and then reassembling it again like a huge jigsaw puzzle, the authors reveal the history of art as a lively panorama of forgotten worlds. About the author: Rose-Marie Hagen was born in Switzerland and studied history as well as Romance languages and literature in Lausanne. After longer study periods in Paris and Florence, she lectured at different institutions including the American University in Washington D.C. Rainer Hagen was born in Hamburg and graduated in literature and theatre studies in Munich. He went on to work for radio and TV where his latest position has been chief editor of a German public broadcasting service. The two authors have worked together for TASCHEN on several books such as What Great Paintings Say and a monograph on Francisco de Goya. Издание на английском языке.

1928 Руб.

Hagen Rose-Marie, Hagen Rainer Masterpieces in Detail. 2 volumes hagen rose marie hagen rainer bruegel
Hagen Rose-Marie, Hagen Rainer Masterpieces in Detail. 2 volumes

Is the bride pregnant? What are clogs doing on a marriage picture? Why is just one candle burning in the chandelier? And what does the mirror in the background reveal? Rose-Marie and Rainer Hagen provide answers to these and other questions about world-famous works of art. Guiding our eye to revealing details, they also shed fascinating light on fashions and lifestyles, loves and intrigues, politics and people, and transform our encounter with art into exciting adventure.

4048 Руб.

Hagen Rose-Marie, Hagen Rainer What Great Paintings Say. Beautiful Nudes hagen rose marie hagen rainer bruegel
Hagen Rose-Marie, Hagen Rainer What Great Paintings Say. Beautiful Nudes

It might seem like the sitters and subjects of art history's greatest nude paintings have little left to show, but don't be fooled: there is more than meets the eye in these naked masterworks. Rose-Marie and Rainer Hagen guide us into the secrets of the flesh, coupling extended discussions with crisp, enlarged details of 12 iconic works from the canon of art history. Biblical tales of morality or modern portrayals of leisure, works such as Tintoretto's Susanna and the Elders or Manet's The Luncheon on the Grass offer diverse visions of natural beauty. Each artwork is presented in reproductions of the highest quality, sourced directly from the original, located in collections of the Louvre, Musee d'Orsay, Uffizi, and many others. From works depicting ultimate feminine grace, like Velazquez's Rokeby Venus, to Hans Baldung's mesmerizing image of the body's decline in The Three Ages of Man and Death, these paintings are unified in their masterful rendering of the bare human form-both in life and beyond. Through this exploration into the covert secrets of nude works, they cease to be two-dimensional and come to full hot-blooded life.

2574 Руб.

Hagen Rose-Marie, Hagen Rainer What Great Paintings Say. Italian Renaissance hagen rose marie hagen rainer bruegel
Hagen Rose-Marie, Hagen Rainer What Great Paintings Say. Italian Renaissance

Surreptitious messages, concealed myths, and historical truths lie hidden in the great works of the Italian Renaissance, behind heavy gold leaf and religious symbology. Although often obscured by the archaic language of historical painting, careful analysis and expert interpretation bring these images to life. Discover masterpieces of the most beloved creative epoch in this fascinating art historical inquiry. Images of war, romance, birth, and knowledge, works of the Italian Renaissance have much to say, when given a voice. Rose-Marie and Rainer Hagen do just that-pulling apart each of the 12 featured paintings with all the talent of true detectives to offer an illuminating portal to the past. From Michelangelo's The Creation of Adam to Ucello's The Battle of San Romano, from Antonello da Messina's St. Jerome in His Study to Pinturicchio's Penelope with the Suitors, the artworks under investigation are a diverse representation of the period's innovation and brilliance, sourced directly from some of the most impressive collections in the world, including the Uffizi, Prado, and National Gallery London.

2783 Руб.

Rose-Marie, Hagen Rainer Egypt: People-Gods-Pharaohs hagen rose marie hagen rainer bruegel
Rose-Marie, Hagen Rainer Egypt: People-Gods-Pharaohs

People have always built pyramid-shaped structures, examples in our own time being a hotel in Las Vegas and the glass entrance to a museum in Paris. However, apart from this ingenious building form, many other things conceived and developed in the kingdom of the pharaohs are still up-to-date today - the new pyramids are merely the most visible. Even now we still do not fully understand how these gigantic tombs commemorating the pharaohs were erected. What we do know, at least to a large extent, is how the people who built them lived, what pleased those early Egyptians, what excited them and what they believed about the world around them. Tomb pictures bring it all alive before our eyes, and accounts deciphered by Egyptologists of events such as the strike of the tombworkers tell us about everyday life, the administrative system and how disputes were settled. Little changed in the course of the 3,000 years of Ancient Egyptian history, at least in comparison to the last 2,000 years of European history, and in particular the last 200 years. Pharaohs and gods came and went but the Egyptian vision of the underworld, their system of government and level of technology remained largely unchanged. And then there was always the major issue of food, which was completely dependent on the recurring floods of the Nile. On account of this remarkable stability we have decided not to write about Ancient Egypt in chronological order. Dates are mentioned, but only as background information. Anyone requiring an overview of the division into kingdoms and dynasties and the reigns of the most important kings will find it on pp. 232-23 5. One of the Ancient Egyptians' most outstanding achievements was the development of a script and to give this a high profile we have scattered hieroglyphs throughout each chapter. It is also the theme of three chapters - in the chapter on scribes we look at the privileged position of those who could write, in the chapter on writing, we explain the Egyptian system of symbols, a much more complex system than our alphabet, and in the final chapter we tell the story of the hard work and sheer luck which led to the hitherto unknown symbols finally being deciphered. Further reading is listed on page 237. This book aims to answer some basic questions about life in Ancient Egypt and whet your appetite to find out more. We could not have written it without the help and encouragement of the staff of the Egyptology department at the University of Hamburg and in particular Mrs Muriel Elsholz. We would like to express our warm thanks to them. Издание на английском языке.

1099 Руб.

Hagen Rose-Marie, Hagen Rainer What Great Paintings Say. Faces of Power hagen rose marie hagen rainer bruegel
Hagen Rose-Marie, Hagen Rainer What Great Paintings Say. Faces of Power

Behind the Mask The intrigue, drama, and covert messages hidden in the faces of powerful men and women Byzantine empresses, French revolutionaries, and Spanish generals: history's most impressive figures stare boldly out of the canvases in this collection of formidable paintings. Each individual represented in these images radiates with strength and splendor; be they an aristocratic widow in mourning, a murdered politician, or a jovial group of Ukrainian rebels. Authors Rose-Marie and Rainer Hagen tease out the stories and secrets of 13 masterpieces by artists including Goya, Titian, Velazquez, and Ilya Repin. Regal, holy, and wise, the men and women in these works will inspire you with their conquests and resilience. TASCHEN reproduces these masterworks in stunning quality, working in collaboration with esteemed art collections all over the world, including in Brussels, St. Petersburg, New York, and Naples. Combining astute analysis with magnified painting details, this book is a unique historical investigation in tribute to the movers and shakers of the past.

2965 Руб.

Hagen Rose-Marie, Hagen Rainer What Great Paintings Say. 100 Masterpieces in Detail hagen rose marie hagen rainer bruegel
Hagen Rose-Marie, Hagen Rainer What Great Paintings Say. 100 Masterpieces in Detail

This important addition to our understanding of art history's masterworks puts some of the world's most famous paintings under a magnifying glass to uncover their most small and subtle elements and all they reveal about a bygone time, place, and culture. Guiding our eye to the minutiae of subject and symbolism, authors Rose-Marie and Rainer Hagen allow even the most familiar of pictures to come alive anew through their intricacies and intrigues. Is the bride pregnant? Why does the man wear a beret? How does the shadow of war hang over a scene of dancing? Along the way, we travel from Ancient Egypt through to modern Europe, from the Renaissance to the Roaring Twenties. We meet Greek heroes and poor German poets and roam from cathedrals to cabaret bars, from the Garden of Eden to a Garden Bench in rural France. As we pick apart each painting and then reassemble it like a giant jigsaw puzzle, these celebrated canvases captivate not only in their sheer wealth of details but also in the witness they bear to the fashions and trends, people and politics, loves and lifestyles of their time.

4383 Руб.

Hagen Rose-Marie, Hagen Rainer Francisco Goya. 1746-1828. On the Threshold of Modernity hagen rose marie hagen rainer bruegel
Hagen Rose-Marie, Hagen Rainer Francisco Goya. 1746-1828. On the Threshold of Modernity

Francisco Josе de Goya y Lucientes, one of Spain's most revered and controversial painters, is known for his intense, chilling, and sometimes grotesque paintings depicting the injustice of society with brutal sincerity. A court painter to the Spanish crown, he captured, through his works, a snapshot of life in Spain in the late 18th and early 19th centuries. Coming at the tail end of the Old Masters period, Goya, with his audacious, subversie, and highly influential works, can be considered the first painter of the modern era. His influence can be seen in the works of artists as varied as Picasso and Francis Bacon.

1049 Руб.

Rose-Marie Hagen. Goya hagen rose marie hagen rainer bruegel
Rose-Marie Hagen. Goya
Бренд: Республика

From court portraits for the Spanish royals to horrific scenes of conflict and suffering, Francisco José de Goya y Lucientes (1746–1828) made a mark as one of Spain's most revered and controversial artists. A master of form and light, his influence reverberates down the centuries, inspiring and fascinating artists from the Romantic Eugène Delacroix to Britart enfants terribles, the Chapman brothers. Born in Fuendetodos, Spain, in 1746, Goya was apprenticed to the Spanish royal family in 1774, where he produced etchings and tapestry cartoons for grand palaces and royal residences across the country. He was also patronized by the aristocracy, painting commissioned portraits of the rich and powerful with his increasingly fluid and expressive style. Later, after a bout of illness, the artist moved towards darker etchings and drawings, introducing a nightmarish realm of witches, ghosts, and fantastical creatures. It was, however, with his horrific depictions of conflict that Goya achieved enduring impact. Executed between 1810 and 1820, The Disasters of War was inspired by atrocities committed during the Spanish struggle for independence from the French and penetrated the very heart of human cruelty and sadism. The bleak tones, agitated brushstrokes, and aggressive use of Baroque-like light and dark contrasts recalled Velázquez and Rembrandt, but Goya's subject matter was unprecedented in its brutality and honesty. In this introductory book from TASCHEN Basic Art 2.0 we set out to explore the full arc of Goya's remarkable career, from elegant court painter to deathly seer of suffering and grotesquerie. Along the way, we encounter such famed portraits as Don Manuel Osorio Manrique de Zúñiga, the dazzling Naked Maja, and The 3rd of May 1808 in Madrid, one of the most heart-stopping images of war in the history of art.

2650 Руб.


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