elton ben past mortem

Elton Ben Past Mortem elton ben past mortem
Elton Ben Past Mortem

With old friends like these, who needs enemies? It's a question mild mannered detective Edward Newson is forced to ask himself when, in romantic desperation, he logs on to the Friends Reunited website in search of the girlfriends of his youth. Newson is not the only member of the Class of take back '88 who has been raking over the ashes of the past. As his old class begins to reassemble in cyberspace, the years slip away and old feuds and passions burn hot once more. Meanwhile, back in the present, Newson's life is no less complicated. He is secretly in love with Natasha, his lovely but very attached sergeant, and failing comprehensively to solve a series of baffling and peculiarly gruesome murders. A school reunion is planned and as history begins to repeat itself, the past crashes headlong into the present. Neither will ever be the same again.

3486 Руб.

Elton Ben Popcorn elton ben past mortem
Elton Ben Popcorn

The No.1 bestselling, topical, award-winning, high-octane thriller. Bruce shoots movies. Wayne and Scout shoot to kill. In a single night they find out the hard way what's real and what's not, who's the hero and who's the villain. The USA watches slack-jawed as Bruce and Wayne together resolve some serious questions. Does Bruce use erection cream? Does art imitate life or does life simply imitate bad art? And most of all, does sugar-pie really love his honeybun?

2179 Руб.

Elton Ben Stark elton ben past mortem
Elton Ben Stark

Ben Elton's earth-shattering debut novel. Stark is a secret consortium with more money than God, and the social conscience of a dog on a croquet lawn. What's more, it knows the Earth is dying. Deep in Western Australia where the Aboriginals used to milk the trees, a planet-sized plot is taking shape. Some green freaks pick up the scent: a pommie poseur; a brain-fried Vietnam vet; Aboriginals who have lost their land...not much against a conspiracy that controls society. But EcoAction isn't in society: it just lives in the same place, along with the cockroaches. If you're facing the richest and most disgusting scheme in history, you have to do more than stick up two fingers and say 'peace'.

2664 Руб.

Elton Ben Meltdown elton ben past mortem
Elton Ben Meltdown

For amiable City trader Jimmy Corby money was the new Rock n' Roll. His whole life was a party, adrenalin charged and cocaine fuelled. If he hadn't met Monica he would probably have ended up either dead or in rehab. But Jimmy was as lucky in love as he was at betting on dodgy derivatives, so instead of burning out, his star just burned brighter than ever. Rich, pampered and successful, Jimmy, Monica and their friends lived the dream, bringing up their children with an army of domestic helps. But then it all came crashing down. And when the global financial crisis hit, Jimmy discovers that anyone can handle success. It's how you handle failure that really matters.

2421 Руб.

Elton Ben Gridlock elton ben past mortem
Elton Ben Gridlock

Gridlock is when a city dies. Killed in the name of freedom. Killed in the name of oil and steel. Choked on carbon monoxide and strangled with a pair of fluffy dice. How did it come to this? How did the ultimate freedom machine end up paralysing us all? How did we end up driving to our own funeral, in somebody else's gravy train? Deborah and Geoffrey know, but they have transport problems of their own, and anyway, whoever it was that murdered the city can just as easily murder them.

2623 Руб.

Elton Ben Identity Crisis elton ben past mortem
Elton Ben Identity Crisis

Why are we all so hostile? So quick to take offence? Truly we are living in the age of outrage. A series of apparently random murders draws amiable, old-school Detective Mick Matlock into a world of sex, politics, reality TV and a bewildering kaleidoscope of opposing identity groups. Lost in a blizzard of hashtags, his already complex investigation is further impeded by the fact that he simply doesn't 'get' a single thing about anything anymore. Meanwhile, each day another public figure confesses to having 'misspoken' and prostrates themselves before the judgement of Twitter. Begging for forgiveness, assuring the public "that is not who I am".

3340 Руб.

Elton Ben Blind Faith elton ben past mortem
Elton Ben Blind Faith

A dark, savagely comic novel from the bestselling author of Chart Throb. Imagine a world where everyone knows everything about everybody. Where 'sharing' is valued above all, and privacy is considered a dangerous perversion. Trafford wouldn't call himself a rebel, but he's daring to be different, to stand out from the crowd. In his own small ways, he wants to push against the system. But in this world, uniformity is everything. And even tiny defiances won't go unnoticed. Ben Elton's dark, savagely comic novel imagines a post-apocalyptic society where religious intolerance combines with a sex-obsessed, utterly egocentric culture. In this world, nakedness is modesty, independent thought subversive, and ignorance is wisdom. A chilling vision of what's to come? Or something rather closer to home?

2608 Руб.

Elton Ben Two Brothers elton ben past mortem
Elton Ben Two Brothers

Berlin 1920 Two babies are born. Two brothers. United and indivisible, sharing everything. Twins in all but blood. As Germany marches into its Nazi Armageddon, the ties of family, friendship and love are tested to the very limits of endurance. And the brothers are faced with an unimaginable choice....Which one of them will survive? Ben Elton's most personal novel to date,Two Brothers transports the reader to the time of history's darkest hour.

3486 Руб.

Elton Ben Dead Famous elton ben past mortem
Elton Ben Dead Famous

One house. Ten contestants. Thirty cameras. Forty microphones. Yet again the public gorges its voyeuristic appetite as another group of unknown and unremarkable people submit themselves to the brutal exposure of the televised real-life soap opera, House Arrest. Everybody knows the rules: total strangers are forced to live together while the rest of the country watches them do it. Who will crack first? Who will have sex with whom? Who will the public love and who will they hate? All the usual questions. And then, suddenly, there are some new ones. Who is the murderer? How did he or she manage to kill under the constant gaze of the thirty television cameras? Why did they do it? And who will be next?

3338 Руб.

Elton Ben High Society elton ben past mortem
Elton Ben High Society

The war on drugs has been lost but for want of the courage to face the fact that the whole world is rapidly becoming one vast criminal network. From pop stars and princes to crack whores and street kids. From the Groucho Club toilets to the poppy fields of Afghanistan, we are all partners in crime. HIGH SOCIETY is a story or rather a collection of interconnected stories that takes the reader on a hilarious, heart breaking and terrifying journey through the kaleidoscope world that the law has created and from which the law offers no protection.

2608 Руб.

Elton Ben The First Casualty elton ben past mortem
Elton Ben The First Casualty

Flanders, June 1917: a British officer and celebrated poet, is shot dead, killed not by German fire, but while recuperating from shell shock well behind the lines. A young English soldier is arrested and, although he protests his innocence, charged with his murder. Douglas Kingsley is a conscientious objector, previously a detective with the London police, now imprisoned for his beliefs. He is released and sent to France in order to secure a conviction. Forced to conduct his investigations amidst the hell of The Third Battle of Ypres, Kingsley soon discovers that both the evidence and the witnesses he needs are quite literally disappearing into the mud that surrounds him. Ben Elton's tenth novel is a gut-wrenching historical drama which explores some fundamental questions. What is murder? What is justice in the face of unimaginable daily slaughter? And where is the honour in saving a man from the gallows if he is only to be returned to die in a suicidal battle? As the gap between legally-sanctioned and illegal murder becomes evermore blurred, Kingsley quickly learns that the first casualty when war comes is truth.

2423 Руб.

Elton Ben This Other Eden elton ben past mortem
Elton Ben This Other Eden

Small, well appointed future. Semi detached. If the end of the world is nigh, then surely it's only sensible to make alternative arrangements. Certainly the Earth has its points, but what most people need is something smaller and more manageable. Of course there are those who say that's planetary treason, but who cares what the weirdos and terrorists think? Not Nathan. All he cares is that his movie gets made and that there's somebody left to see it. In marketing terms the end of the world will be very big. Anyone trying to save it should remember that.

2608 Руб.

Burton Rachel The Tearoom on the Bay elton ben past mortem
Burton Rachel The Tearoom on the Bay

It's time for Ellie to return home and rediscover the past she left behind... After a tough break-up, Ellie returns to the only place she's ever really felt at home – the coastal town of Sanderson Bay. A year later, she's living her dream, brewing delicious artisan teas and selling them at her very own cafe. And when the mysterious and brooding Ben walks into her tearoom, Ellie finally dares to dream of true love. But then her ex shows up in the Bay, and just as Ellie discovers some tragic truths about her family's past, she learns Ben might be hiding an unwelcome secret of his own... Can Ellie let go of her past and brave a future with Ben?

2268 Руб.

Elton Ben Time and Time Again elton ben past mortem
Elton Ben Time and Time Again

It’s the 1st of June 1914 and Hugh Stanton, ex-soldier and celebrated adventurer is quite literally the loneliest man on earth. No one he has ever known or loved has been born yet. Perhaps now they never will be. Stanton knows that a great and terrible war is coming. A collective suicidal madness that will destroy European civilization and bring misery to millions in the century to come. He knows this because, for him, that century is already history. Somehow he must change that history. He must prevent the war. A war that will begin with a single bullet. But can a single bullet truly corrupt an entire century? And, if so, could another single bullet save it?

3004 Руб.

Виниловая пластинка Elton John – Sleeping With The Past LP elton ben past mortem
Виниловая пластинка Elton John – Sleeping With The Past LP
Бренд: Республика

Elton John – Sleeping With The Past (Reissue, Remastered, 180 Gram) LP"Sleeping with the Past" - 22-й студийный альбом английского музыканта Элтона Джона, выпущенный 29 августа 1989 года. Это его самый продаваемый альбом в Дании (где он и был записан) и посвящен его давнему партнеру по написанию песен Берни Таупину. Он также стал для Джона первым платиновым альбомом в Великобритании с выхода в 1985 году релиза "Ice on Fire". В США релиз был сертифицирован RIAA как золотой в октябре 1989 года и платиновый в апреле 1990 года. "Sleeping with the Past" стал самым продаваемым альбомом Джона 1980-х годов. Сэр Э́лтон Геркуле́с Джон (англ. Elton Hercules John; имя при рождении — Ре́джиналд Ке́ннет Дуа́йт (англ. Reginald Kenneth Dwight); род. 25 марта 1947, Пиннер, Мидлсекс, Англия, Великобритания) — культовый британский певец, пианист, композитор и радиоведущий.Оказал заметное влияние на развитие софт рока. Один из самых коммерчески успешных исполнителей 1970-х годов и один из самых успешных рок-исполнителей Великобритании. За всю свою карьеру он продал в США и Великобритании больше альбомов, чем любой другой британский соло-исполнитель.Он работал с поэтом-песенником Берни Топином с 1967 года; они сотрудничали на более чем 30 альбомах. На протяжении своей 50-летней карьеры Элтон Джон продал более 300 миллионов пластинок, что сделало его одним из самых продаваемых музыкальных исполнителей мира. У него более пятидесяти лучших хитов в британском чарте синглов и Billboard Hot 100, включая девять номер один в Великобритании и девять в США, а также семь последовательных альбомов номер один в США и ещё семь его альбомов занимали первые места в Billboard 200, 40 синглов входили в американский Топ-40, 28 попадали в первую десятку и девять поднимались на первое место. 52 сингла Элтона Джона входили в британский Топ-40. Его сингл «Candle in the Wind 1997» (новая версия «Candle in the Wind» 1973 года), переписанный в честь Дианы, принцессы Уэльской, был продан тиражом более 33 миллионов копий по всему миру и является самым продаваемым синглом в истории чартов Великобритании и США. Он также продюсировал записи и иногда снимался в фильмах. С 1976 по 1987 и с 1997 по 2002 Элтон Джон владел английским футбольным клубом «Уотфорд» (Watford Football Club). Он является почётным пожизненным президентом клуба.Выросший в районе Пиннер в Лондоне, Элтон Джон научился играть на пианино в раннем возрасте, и к 1962 году создал Bluesology, R & B группу, в которой играл до 1967 года. Он встретил своего музыкального партнера Берни Топина в 1967 году, после того как они оба ответили на объявление для авторов песен. В течение двух лет ребята писали песни для артистов, включая Лулу, а Джон работал сессионным музыкантом для артистов, включая Холлиз и Скаффолд. В 1969 году был выпущен дебютный альбом Джона «Empty Sky». В 1970 году его первый хитовый сингл «Your Song» со второго альбома «Elton John» вошел в десятку лучших в Великобритании и США....

4500 Руб.


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