dowson g the hermetic tarot

Dowson G. The Hermetic Tarot dowson g the hermetic tarot
Dowson G. The Hermetic Tarot

«Герметическое Таро» (в оригинале Hermetic Tarot) создано автором на основе эзотерической системы Ордена Золотой Зари и претендует на роль глубочайшей колоды из всех, что были созданы в ХХ веке. Исполненная в строгих черно-белых тонах, колода стилизована под средневековые гравюры. Лаконичность цветового решения восполнена разноплановостью символики Арканов. .На Младших Арканах автор поместил имена архангелов, символы, позволяющие находить астрологические соответствия. Есть на картах «Герметического Таро» и фигуры геомантики, каббалистические и нумерологические символы. .«Герметическое Таро» отличается мощной энергетикой и силой, однако новичкам будет сложно разобраться в колоде. Зато эзотерикам, хорошо знакомым с каббалой и герметизмом, колода подарит новые возможности в познании.

4089 Руб.

Dowson G. The Hermetic Tarot dowson g the hermetic tarot
Dowson G. The Hermetic Tarot

«Герметическое Таро» (в оригинале Hermetic Tarot) создано автором на основе эзотерической системы Ордена Золотой Зари и претендует на роль глубочайшей колоды из всех, что были созданы в ХХ веке. Исполненная в строгих черно-белых тонах, колода стилизована под средневековые гравюры. Лаконичность цветового решения восполнена разноплановостью символики Арканов. .На Младших Арканах автор поместил имена архангелов, символы, позволяющие находить астрологические соответствия. Есть на картах «Герметического Таро» и фигуры геомантики, каббалистические и нумерологические символы. .«Герметическое Таро» отличается мощной энергетикой и силой, однако новичкам будет сложно разобраться в колоде. Зато эзотерикам, хорошо знакомым с каббалой и герметизмом, колода подарит новые возможности в познании.

4089 Руб.

Таро Герметическое (78 карт и инструкция) dowson g the hermetic tarot
Таро Герметическое (78 карт и инструкция)
Бренд: Ведьмино Счастье

Черно-белые, чрезвычайно детально прорисованные карты колоды The Hermetic Tarot являются творческой авторской переработкой таинственной колоды Самуэля Мазерса, члена Ордена Золотой Зари. Некогда открытая лишь посвященным, теперь эта колода доступна всем желающим.

Таро Герметическое (78 карт и инструкция) dowson g the hermetic tarot
Таро Герметическое (78 карт и инструкция)
Бренд: Москва

Черно-белые, чрезвычайно детально прорисованные карты колоды The Hermetic Tarot являются творческой авторской переработкой таинственной колоды Самуэля Мазерса, члена Ордена Золотой Зари. Некогда открытая лишь посвященным, теперь эта колода доступна всем желающим.

Smith Rider-Waite® Tarot Set, Original / Райдер Уайт таро оригинал (карты + книга) (на английском языке) dowson g the hermetic tarot
Smith Rider-Waite® Tarot Set, Original / Райдер Уайт таро оригинал (карты + книга) (на английском языке)

А.Е. Waite was a celebrated writer on occult topics and a member of the Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn. His 78-card Tarot Deck is probably the most widely used in the world. The rich, figurative designs that are the hallmark of this set will help everyone to understand and enjoy the unique language of tarot. CONTENTS ¦Complete 78-card Waite Deck including 22 Major Arcana and 56 Lesser Arcana in full color ¦The Key to the Tarot by A.E. Waite, fully revised and updated, with a foreword by Liz Greene ¦Divinatory Chart

6625 Руб.

Smith Rider-Waite® Tarot Set, Original / Райдер Уайт таро оригинал (карты + книга) (на английском языке) dowson g the hermetic tarot
Smith Rider-Waite® Tarot Set, Original / Райдер Уайт таро оригинал (карты + книга) (на английском языке)

А.Е. Waite was a celebrated writer on occult topics and a member of the Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn. His 78-card Tarot Deck is probably the most widely used in the world. The rich, figurative designs that are the hallmark of this set will help everyone to understand and enjoy the unique language of tarot. CONTENTS ¦Complete 78-card Waite Deck including 22 Major Arcana and 56 Lesser Arcana in full color ¦The Key to the Tarot by A.E. Waite, fully revised and updated, with a foreword by Liz Greene ¦Divinatory Chart

6625 Руб.

Таро Аввалон, Rider-Waite Tarot Set Original Райдер Уайт таро оригинал (карты+книга) (на англ. яз.) (коробка) (ПИ) dowson g the hermetic tarot
Таро Аввалон, Rider-Waite Tarot Set Original Райдер Уайт таро оригинал (карты+книга) (на англ. яз.) (коробка) (ПИ)

А.Е. Waite was a celebrated writer on occult topics and a member of the Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn. His 78-card Tarot Deck is probably the most widely used in the world. The rich, figurative designs that are the hallmark of this set will help everyone to understand and enjoy the unique language of tarot.CONTENTSComplete 78-card Waite Deck including 22 Major Arcana and 56 Lesser Arcana in full colorThe Key to the Tarot by A.E. Waite, fully revised and updated, with a foreword by Liz GreeneDivinatory Chart

6625 Руб.

Гадальные карты U.S. Games Systems Таро The Hermetic Tarot, 78 карт, черный, белый, 200 dowson g the hermetic tarot
Гадальные карты U.S. Games Systems Таро The Hermetic Tarot, 78 карт, черный, белый, 200
Бренд: U.S. Games Systems

Компания U.S. Games Systems с гордостью переиздала Герметичную колоду Таро в знак признания ее исторической и художественной значимости. Детали и символы на каждой карте раскрывают многие из эзотерических работ Тайного Ордена Золотой Зари, который процветал на рубеже веков.Тонкие черно-белые рисунки Годфри Доусона подчеркивают астрологические атрибуты Золотого Рассвета с дополнительными сфиротическими, ангельскими, геомантическими, числовыми и каббалистическими элементами. Все 78 карт отличаются изысканным уровнем детализации, который подчеркивает мощную символику.72-страничная брошюра с инструкциями включает введение Стюарта Р. Каплана и значение карточки, написанное Годфри Доусоном и Стюартом Р. Капланом. В брошюре также даются инструкции по классическому раскладу кельтского креста из десяти карт и представлена схема элементарных и астрологических символов, а также схема десяти сфер и 22 еврейских букв из 22 Путей Древа Жизни.----------------------------------U. S. Games Systems has proudly reissued the Hermetic Tarot deck in recognition of its historical and artistic importance. The details and symbols in each card reveal many of the esoteric workings of the Secret Order of the Golden Dawn, which flourished around the turn of the century.Godfrey Dowson’s subtle black and white designs emphasize the Golden Dawn’s astrological attributes with further sephirotic, angelic, geomantic, numerical, and kabbalistic elements. All 78 cards feature an exquisite level of detail that highlights the powerful symbolism.The 72-page instruction booklet includes an introduction by Stuart R. Kaplan and card meaning written by Godfrey Dowson and Stuart R. Kaplan. The booklet also gives instructions for the classic ten-card Celtic Cross layout and presents a chart of the elemental and astrological symbols, and a diagram of the ten spheres and 22 Hebrew Letters of the of the 22 Paths of the Tree of Life..SpecsSKU: HM78Weight: 0.76 lb(s)ISBN: 978-0-91386-692-4Size: Cards measure 2.75" x 4.625"Language: ENAuthor: Godfrey Dowson

2376 Руб.

Гадальные карты U.S. Games Systems Таро The Golden Dawn Tarot, 78 карт, золото, 376 dowson g the hermetic tarot
Гадальные карты U.S. Games Systems Таро The Golden Dawn Tarot, 78 карт, золото, 376
Бренд: U.S. Games Systems

Более тридцати лет назад была опубликована колода Таро Золотой Зари, впервые раскрыв многие истины и секреты Герметического ордена Золотой Зари и его интерпретацию Таро.Доктор Роберт Ван достоверно и в деталях передал каждую карту колоды Таро Золотой Зари на основе эзотерических записных книжек Макгрегора Мазерса. Дизайн карт соответствует символическим рамкам Внутренней Традиции, сформулированной Мазерсом.Д-р Израэль Регарди, ведущий автор/ученый в области оккультизма, умело руководил созданием Таро Золотой Зари, последнего великого тайного учения Ордена.Колода теперь стала классической, ее символы и ссылки знакомы экспертам по Таро во всем мире.---------------------More than thirty years ago, U.S. Games Systems published the The Golden Dawn Tarot, revealing for the first time many truths and secrets of the Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn, and its interpretation of the tarot. Dr. Robert Wang has faithfully rendered in authentic detail each card of The Golden Dawn Tarot deck based upon the esoteric notebooks of MacGregor Mathers. The card designs follow the symbolic framework of the Inner Tradition formulated by Mathers. Dr. Israel Regardie, the leading author/scholar in the occult field, skillfully guided the creation of The Golden Dawn Tarot, the last great secret teachings of the Order. The deck is now a classic, its symbols and references familiar to tarot experts everywhere..SpecsSKU: GD78Weight: 0.83 lb(s)ISBN: 978-0-91386-616-0Size: 78 cards, 3.125" x 5"Language: EN, ESAuthor: Dr. Israel RegardieArtist: Robert Wang

3052 Руб.

Гадальные карты Schiffer Publishing Таро Lowbrow Tarot cards, 22 карты, 200 dowson g the hermetic tarot
Гадальные карты Schiffer Publishing Таро Lowbrow Tarot cards, 22 карты, 200
Бренд: Schiffer Publishing

There are 22 cards in the Major Arcana, each showing some aspect of the human experience. These cards are focused on the material world, the intuitive mind, and change. Renowned Tarot artist, Aunia Kahn and author Russell J. Moon, showcase 23 Lowbrow Tarot artists who used their creative genius and unique styles to produce a 22-card Major Arcana Tarot deck in the rugged glow of the Lowbrow Art movement. These new and original works have been fashioned by accomplished artists: Carrie Ann Baade, Christopher Ulrich, Edith Lebeau, Cate Rangel, Kris Kuksi, Chris Mars, Christopher Umana, Christopher Conn Askew, Brian M. Viveros, Claudia Drake, Heather Watts, Molly Crabapple, David Stoupakis, Laurie Lipton, Patrick "Star 27" Deignan, Chet Zar, Jessica Joslin, Danni Shinya Luo, Jennybird Alcantara, Angie Mason, Scott G. Brooks, Aunia Kahn, and Daniel Martin Diaz. Hold the entire exhibition in your hand, owning every piece of the Lowbrow Tarot Project.

3567 Руб.

Smith-Waite tarot. Gold Edition (78 карт + книга) dowson g the hermetic tarot
Smith-Waite tarot. Gold Edition (78 карт + книга)

Pamela Colman Smith’s groundbreaking art transformed tarot with vibrant drawings and fully illustrated Minors. Drawn in 1909 under the direction of Arthur Edward Waite, the Smith-Waite tarot became the standard against which all other decks are measured. This deluxe Limited Edition set features gold gilt edging on the 78-card Smith-Waite Tarot deck, one of the most popular versions of the Rider-Waite deck. The card back features a classic fleur-de-lis and diamond pattern stamped in gold foil over a green background, Pamela’s favorite color. Included in this set is a gilt-edged 74-page hardcover book Magic and Meaning in the Smith-Waite Tarot by Sasha Graham. Sasha takes a fresh, modern approach to reading the esoteric symbols of tarot. She offers accessible advice for developing a tarot-reading practice with useful instructions on how to formulate questions. Her lively and insightful descriptions highlight the magic and symbolism of each card. The book includes unique card spreads for decision-making including her Soulmate Spread, Chakra Spread, and Stairway Spreads. Sasha Graham is the creator of Haunted House Tarot and Dark Wood Tarot and has written several books on tarot, including Complete Book of the Rider-Waite-Smith Tarot. Sasha Graham lives in New York City where she teaches tarot classes and produces tarot cultural events. She hosts The Enchanted Kitchen cooking show, which is inspired by tarot.

11447 Руб.

Smith-Waite tarot. Gold Edition (78 карт + книга) dowson g the hermetic tarot
Smith-Waite tarot. Gold Edition (78 карт + книга)

Pamela Colman Smith’s groundbreaking art transformed tarot with vibrant drawings and fully illustrated Minors. Drawn in 1909 under the direction of Arthur Edward Waite, the Smith-Waite tarot became the standard against which all other decks are measured. This deluxe Limited Edition set features gold gilt edging on the 78-card Smith-Waite Tarot deck, one of the most popular versions of the Rider-Waite deck. The card back features a classic fleur-de-lis and diamond pattern stamped in gold foil over a green background, Pamela’s favorite color. Included in this set is a gilt-edged 74-page hardcover book Magic and Meaning in the Smith-Waite Tarot by Sasha Graham. Sasha takes a fresh, modern approach to reading the esoteric symbols of tarot. She offers accessible advice for developing a tarot-reading practice with useful instructions on how to formulate questions. Her lively and insightful descriptions highlight the magic and symbolism of each card. The book includes unique card spreads for decision-making including her Soulmate Spread, Chakra Spread, and Stairway Spreads. Sasha Graham is the creator of Haunted House Tarot and Dark Wood Tarot and has written several books on tarot, including Complete Book of the Rider-Waite-Smith Tarot. Sasha Graham lives in New York City where she teaches tarot classes and produces tarot cultural events. She hosts The Enchanted Kitchen cooking show, which is inspired by tarot.

11447 Руб.

Sharman-Burke J. Beginner’s Guide to Tarot dowson g the hermetic tarot
Sharman-Burke J. Beginner’s Guide to Tarot

An original, complete book and card set designed to introduce the beginner into the intricacies of the Tarot. The tarot is an ancient art, dating back at least to the mid-fifteenth century, and reading the tarot is a skill that can be learned and ultimately mastered. While there are many books and decks for the advanced tarot enthusiast, there is very little for the less advanced. Now there is The Beginners Guide to the Tarot, a book and card set designed specifically for the novice. In the fully illustrated, 192 page book, noted tarot expert Juliet Sharman-Burke leads the reader through the cards and suits, the Minor and Major Arcana, and the major layouts for the compete 78 card deck. The book is packed with a newly designed and illustrated deck which draws upon both traditional and modern tarot iconography and is rendered in a clear, distinctive style.

5856 Руб.

Sharman-Burke J. Beginner’s Guide to Tarot dowson g the hermetic tarot
Sharman-Burke J. Beginner’s Guide to Tarot

An original, complete book and card set designed to introduce the beginner into the intricacies of the Tarot. The tarot is an ancient art, dating back at least to the mid-fifteenth century, and reading the tarot is a skill that can be learned and ultimately mastered. While there are many books and decks for the advanced tarot enthusiast, there is very little for the less advanced. Now there is The Beginners Guide to the Tarot, a book and card set designed specifically for the novice. In the fully illustrated, 192 page book, noted tarot expert Juliet Sharman-Burke leads the reader through the cards and suits, the Minor and Major Arcana, and the major layouts for the compete 78 card deck. The book is packed with a newly designed and illustrated deck which draws upon both traditional and modern tarot iconography and is rendered in a clear, distinctive style.

5856 Руб.

Matthews J. The Cathar Tarot dowson g the hermetic tarot
Matthews J. The Cathar Tarot

This magnificent deck offers a unique tarot experience that draws on the ancient wisdom tradition stretching back through the Cathars to the Grail myths and the Gnostics. Bestselling tarot expert John Matthews reveals how the universal symbolic language of tarot parallels the Cathar journey of initiation, and invites modern seekers to follow the Cathars' path to self-knowledge and spiritual fulfilment.The cards are illustrated by famed tarot artist Wil Kinghan.

1986 Руб.

Matthews J. The Cathar Tarot dowson g the hermetic tarot
Matthews J. The Cathar Tarot

This magnificent deck offers a unique tarot experience that draws on the ancient wisdom tradition stretching back through the Cathars to the Grail myths and the Gnostics. Bestselling tarot expert John Matthews reveals how the universal symbolic language of tarot parallels the Cathar journey of initiation, and invites modern seekers to follow the Cathars' path to self-knowledge and spiritual fulfilment.The cards are illustrated by famed tarot artist Wil Kinghan.

1986 Руб.


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